Exportadora d’Agris d’Alcanar SCCL, founded in 1965, is a very representative entity in the citrus area of southern Catalonia. We dedicated to handling and marketing the fruit produced by our associates.
The entity is currently made up of 204 associates in a total production area of 1,100.77 hectares, of which 368.36ha are in the Montsià region in the towns of Alcanar, Ulldecona, La Galera and Santa Bárbara, and the rest of production area is in the Baix Maestrat region, mostly in the neighboring town of Vinaròs.
All production of our associates is handled and marketed in our own fruit center located in Alcanar, whose average volume of annual marketed production is around 17,000 tons of Clementines, 2,000 tons of Mandarins and 8,000 tons of Oranges.
At Exportadora d’Agris d’Alcanar we have established a quality policy in which the main conditioning factor is to offer quality and safe products, with maximum satisfaction for our customers. We are certified in various quality regulations such as BRC, IFS, Globalgap, GRASP and in the last 3 years we have also obtained the certificates and are part of the PGI Clementines Terres de l’Ebre and Terres de l’Ebre Reserva de la Biosfera.
The fruit harvest campaign starts from end of September to mid-June.
We offer a reduced lead time from harvest to distribution to the customer.
Our cooperative is made up of 205 associates who work side by side to obtain the best results.
We produce our fruits on fields owned by associates of the Cooperative.
We keep the fruits on the trees until they reach an optimum maturity point.
We distribute our products always guaranteeing the maximum rigor in their treatment.